Resveratrol is a polyphenol which can be synthesized by plants under duress like pathogenic attacks or environmental stress. Resveratrol has been classified as a class of plant derived antibiotics known as phytoalexins which are a part of the defensive arsenal of a plant. This ingredient is found in a number of plants like peanuts, mulberries, Japanese knotweed, plums, potatoes, lettuce, artichokes and the skin of red grapes. Resveratrol is basically a natural phenol which is also found in red wine because of its presence in the skin of red grapes.
Resveratrol has been classified as an antioxidant that has the ability to ensure that the cells remain younger and that you are able to maintain good cell health. Apart from helping you to combat the signs of aging, certain studies have shown that Resveratrol can also help you with a variety cardiovascular conditions and cancer. Resveratrol is also known to be the ingredient that lies at the center of the French Paradox hypothesis. It is believed that the French manage to enjoy younger and better looking skin despite having a diet that is rich in fats because of their consumption of red wine.
The American Chemical Society highlighted a study which showcased the various health benefits of Resveratrol. There have been a number of studies surrounding Resveratrol that are worth talking about. One such study showed that using Resveratrol helped in the healthy functioning of the SIRT-1 gene. This gene is known to be a major component when it comes to promotion of fat metabolisms and calorie restriction and it is quite important all through the aging process.
A study conducted by a group of researchers working for the University of South Carolina School of Medicine, showed that Resveratrol helped to prevent ethanol-induced toxic effects in the cerebellum and also to restore the Nrf2 levels. According to this study, ethanol exposure during pregnancy leads to an issue known as FASD. Ethanol doses led to neuronal cell death in a rodent model. It was also found that Resveratrol helped in preventing ethanol induced apoptosis and also increased the survival of the cerebellar granule cells. The study went a long way in indicating that Resveratrol actually had neuroprotective benefits to offer.
Another study conducted by a group of researchers working for the Otto-von-Guericke University (Germany) proved that Resveratrol was an effective scavenger. This study used a general free radical model and it showed that Resveratrol managed to down-regulate the iNOS protein without altering iNOS activity. The authors of this study also mentioned that this study helped to prove that Resveratrol was a potential protectant against RNS/ ROS.
Apart from offering antioxidant protection against free radical damage and UVA and UVB damage, Resveratrol is also known to help in promoting a longer cell life. This was confirmed by a study conducted by Dr. David Sinclar. Dr. Sinclair managed to show that Resveratrol actually helped in increasing the mitochondria activity in cells, which ultimately led to the production of more energy in the cell, thereby extending its life.